Do not miss the opportunity to see "The Insanity of Mary Girard” performed by our theatre program.
Standing on stage, the spotlight shining brightly, the actors are duplicating the scene perfectly just as they have practiced. As the curtains close, the audience erupts in applause; they have never seen such an amazing show as this.
The Bear Stage Players will perform their first show of the year, “The Insanity of Mary Girard,” tonight at 7 p.m., then again multiple times throughout the weekend in the high school auditorium.
“‘The Insanity of Mary Girard’ is a spellbinding play that boldly deals with the questions of women’s rights and insanity during the early 1800s,” theatre director Heather Creech said. “By some accounts, Mary was not insane at all; despite the difficulty in understanding and treating mental illness at that time. By the end of this haunting and highly theatrical piece, Mary has grown rather convincingly into her diagnosis.”
With the show less than a day away, the actors are rehearsing endlessly to perform perfectly by focusing on the trivial things like memorizing lines and practicing every chance they have. As it takes each production about 10-12 weeks from beginning to end, it is important they use every moment to get ready for the show.
“We are having rehearsals just about every day,” junior Canyon Gaulden said. “We are getting all the tech down, along with our costumes and props finished, and our set built, as well as our lines memorized. Everyone is putting all their effort into the show.”
From the beginning of auditions, the actors have been giving it their all to ensure they play their parts to the best of their ability, and according to Creech, the audition process is intense, and she truly makes sure she can see every perspective of the actor’s abilities.
“Auditions are held for every production,” Creech said. “Students who are interested in a speaking role are given monologues that they must memorize and perform during their audition. Students who are interested in a technical role will write an essay detailing their experience and why they would be a good fit for that crew position. Tech crew has more of an interview compared to an actor who performs during their audition. Once everybody has auditioned, we have callbacks where several actors are invited back for a second audition where they read parts of the script with other actors. This provides me an opportunity to see which actors work organically together; meaning they look and sound natural and believable.”
With every step the actors and crew members have taken to not only work together, but help coordinate how the show will play out, it can be beautiful to see how friendships can be built. The students are given a comfortable and creative environment where they do not feel judged.
“I have a place to go,” junior Cameron Simoneaux said. “I can be myself without judgement. It is like I have my own mini family, and I am so grateful for all of them.”
What many fail to realize is theatre is much more than what meets the eye. When someone joins theatre, they are entering an atmosphere of joy. No matter if a person does not know anything about plays or musicals, they will not be casted out twill be accepted, but even so, leaving theatre, there are many skills that actors and crew members will take with them, skills that have impacted their lives from then on.
“Theatre not only builds confidence, but encourages empathy, teaches time management, collaboration and patience, how to be an active listener, and allows you to find your voice and teaches you to seize the moment,” Creech said.
With such a challenging piece, Creech cannot help but be immensely proud of the cast and crew for their time and dedication to the success of this performance. Each member is more than excited to perform their hard work and portray the many scenes they have practiced over many weeks, but if the theatre students could let other students know anything it would be the amount of effort they put in.
“I want other students to know we are trying our best; the students are doing their best,” Junior Jade Marlatt said. “We are not always dealt great cards.”
Theatre is a beautiful place to make lifelong friendships and memories; while using your imagination to do the impossible. Theatre is unlike any other experience; every production is a collaborative effort that requires as many hours off stage as it does on stage. Students study how to use their voice, memorize lines, create a believable character, or write and perform monologues; as well as a basic introduction to costuming, set design, lighting and sound. It is thanks to the immense passion of the actors and crew members that theatre can perform to their fullest.
“Theatre is my greatest passion in life,” senior Zoe Henning said. “Theatre has taught me so much about myself. If it were not for the theatre, I would not be here. I hope every one of you will take the opportunity to see our show.”
The show will be performed on Thursday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., and Sunday at 3 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased on PayK12.