Zoe Henning
Meet the Bears: Drake Martin
Name: Drake Martin
Grade: 11th
School activities: Welding
Q: How would other people describe you as a person?
A: People describe me as a chill person.
Q: What do you do outside of school for fun?
A: I play guitar; I like a challenge.
Q: What career do you want to pursue and why?
A: I want to weld. It’s good money.
Q: When people get to know you, what are they most surprised to learn about you?
A: I have a good sense of style.
Q: What is your hidden talent?
A: I can pop a 12 ft bull whip.
Q: What is something you know a weird amount about?
A: I know a lot about music.
Q: What’s on your phone background?
A: I have a picture of me and my girlfriend because I like her.
Q: Tell us the story about what you are most proud of yourself for.
A: I am really proud of myself for learning how to play the guitar for 4 years and also the piano.
Q: Who is someone you are thankful for and why?
A: I’m most thankful for my girlfriend; she has helped me through a lot in life.
Q: What do you hope to be remembered for?
A: The guy that has a concert in the bathroom.
Food: Sushi
Restaurant: Hell’s Kitchen
Music: In the meantime (Soft rock)
Movie: Napolean Dynamite
TV show: The Big Lez show
Book: The Holy Bible
Class: ELA
Teacher: Choate