Zoe Henning
Meet the Bears: Reece Smith, senior
Name: Reece Smith
Grade: 12th
School Activities: Band, Interact, National Honor Society, Quiz Bowl
Q: How would other people describe you as a person?
A: A charismatic person who has a great work ethic, someone who doesn’t see anything as a challenge. A great role model.
Q: What do you do outside school for fun? Why?
A: I like to ride my bike and play video games, because they help me relax and are fun.
Q: What career do you want to pursue and why?
A: I want to pursue a career in Aerospace engineering or mechanical engineering, because I have always been interested in creating contraptions and machines with my hands.
Q: When people get to know you, what are they most surprised to learn about you?
A: Since I am so quiet and do not talk, I am quite witty and funny.
Q: What is your hidden talent?
A: I can fold my ear into my ear, and it will stay there.
Q: What is something you know a weird amount about?
A: Hiking and biking
Q: What’s on your phone background? Tell us why you chose that.
A: My phone background is a picture of plant cells that we looked at under a microscope in first-year Biology. I thought it made a cool pattern. I have used that since.
Q: Tell us the story about what made you most proud of yourself for.
A: The time I hiked in New Mexico and I finished our 100-mile hike through the mountains in ten days.
Q: Who is someone you are thankful for and why?
A: My dad. He taught me so many things and has shaped me into the person I am today. I would not be who I am today without him in my life.
Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?
A: Keep trying in school and working hard, it will all pay off in the end.
Q: What do you hope to be remembered for?
A: I hope to be remembered for my contributions to the way we live every day, and for being a good man and friend.
Q: What’s on your bucket list?
A: I want to go to Canada, and I want to one day go back to Europe to visit again.
Food: Spaghetti
Restaurant: Taco Bell
Music: Pop, Hip Hop
TV Show: Breaking Bad
Movie: Star Wars
Book: Redwall
Class: Chemistry
Teacher: Mrs. Dunn