Vicky Young
This is Trey DuBose's first year at LCM.
Position: World Geography teacher and coach
Years at LCM: 1
Years teaching: 1
Q: How would other people describe your high school self?
A: I was voted wittiest in high school, but I would like to think I was friends with just about everyone in my class. We had a small class at Orangefield; I think I graduated with just 100 other classmates.
Q: Was there a career you wanted to pursue or pursued before teaching?
A: I had goals to work at Walt Disney World at a younger age, and pursued that straight out of college. Great memories! I miss everyone there for sure.
Q: Tell us about how you got into teaching.
A: Education was always something I wanted to do. I was a coach for Halloween one year at a young age. I’m excited for the journey ahead.
Q: What do you do outside of school for fun?
A: I’m a sports nut, so there’s probably a game out there that I’m watching. Whether it’s college football or Premier League soccer, I’m always watching a game. When it’s not sports related there’s always time spent with family and friends.
Q: When people get to know you, what are they most surprised to learn about you?
A: I love the reality TV show “Big Brother.” It’s a problem how much I’m into this show, so if anyone out there watches it too, let’s talk about it!
Q: What is something you know a weird amount about that is not related to something you teach?
A: If it’s not sports or Disney, I can bore you on random facts about James Bond. I might find a way to incorporate that in geography somehow. He tends to travel quite a bit!
Q: Tell us the story about what you are most proud of yourself for.
A: I’m proud of the experiences from living in Florida. From working at Splash mountain to becoming a VIP Tour Guide, I cherish everything about my time there.
Q:Who is someone you are thankful for and why?
A: I can’t just pick one. My entire family is my support system and I wouldn’t have been able to pursue my aspirations without them.
Q: What advice would you give to your younger self?
A: Avoid the heartbreak; don’t be a Cowboys fan.
Q: What do you hope to be remembered for?
A: As someone who’s dependable. Whether it’s a student or a peer, I hope to be someone that you can turn to.
Q: What is on your bucket list? What aspirations do you have for the future?
A: To travel more. I should probably get my passport first, though.
Food: Cajun, Tex-Mex
Restaurant: Lucy’s! I eat there every week. Also, Waffle House. Can’t go wrong with the All-Star special.
Music: I like it all, but there’s definitely more 80’s music on the shuffle.
TV show: Seinfeld, The Office, Big Brother
Movie: This changes on the daily, because I can’t pick just one. I’ll say Interstellar for now.
Book: I don’t usually read, but I’m reading the Game of Thrones series currently and I’m enjoying it.
Teacher: Fred Cascio