Savannah Crabtree
Junior Cameron Dougharty works hard in all that he is involved in.
Junior Cameron Dougharty is involved in a multitude of activities, both inside and outside of school. He is on the football team, track team, and the bass team. Outside of school, he works at Tia Juanita’s Fish Camp. Some of his favorite hobbies are hanging out with his friends and going fishing. One of his goals for the future is to find a job that will provide well for the family he plans on starting one day.
According to Dougharty, his mom is what motivates him the most because she always pushes him to do his best.
A quote that Dougharty likes to live by is, “Hannah Montana says nobody is perfect, but here I am.”
Dougharty’s biggest inspiration is seeing where he will be in the next ten years. His favorite class to take at LCM is welding because the class has made him do “real world work.” He is most proud of himself for placing in varsity level track meets. Something that people may not know about Dougharty is that he still likes baseball, even though he no longer plays.
According to English III teacher Jill Shugart, Dougharty is very deserving of this recognition.
“He is such a respectful, well-mannered young man whose positivity and sense of humor are contagious,” she said. “I truly enjoy having him in class.”