Alex Bridges
Senior Jabron Smith opens the door for students every morning.
Senior Jabron Smith loves spending time with his family, friends, and girlfriend. His biggest inspirations are his mom and sister because they help out the elderly. He also loves learning about history and reading books.
“My favorite class this year is Economics,” Smith said. “I love history, being in class with my friends, and meeting new people.”
A motto he lives by is to live life to the fullest. His goals for the future are to go to college and one day get married.
He is proud of himself for his academic achievements.
“My greatest accomplishment is making A/B Honor Roll for the last three years,” Smith said.
Smith’s math teacher, Brianna Davis, said he is a great student who works hard and is helpful to others.
“He is a wonderful choice for Bear of the Week,” she said.
According to attendance clerk Tammy Corbell, who nominated Smith for Bear of the Week, he is a very kind and thoughtful student.
“He has an off period in the morning and every day he holds the front doors open for students to enter,” Corbell said. “It’s so thoughtful of him!”