Senior Michael Vu recently placed 5th in Current Issues at the Regional level.
Senior Michael Vu is involved in multiple activities, both in and out of school. He is the Student Council Vice President, as well as one of the Battlin’ Bear Band Drum Majors. He is also a member of Key Club, National Honor Society, Bear Believers, and Bear Stage Players. He competes in UIL Academics and Quiz Bowl, as well.
Outside of school, he is a part of the St. Francis Youth Ministry, works as a carhop at Sonic, and he is also a Presidential Scholar at Lamar University.
Vu said he strives to be the type of person that is fun, outgoing, coachable, competitive, self-motivated, and a leader. Some of his future goals are graduating from Lamar University with Honors, becoming a CEO before the age of 40, being the Vice President of the United States, and going to Heaven.
According to Vu, he looks up to his mom, Holly Vu, because she always works hard to make sure that Vu and his siblings have everything they need.
“My mom works right now, and still manages to be there for me and my activities,” Vu said. “She is a boss, and I want to be just like her one day.”
Vu’s favorite quote is “Be a baddie!”
“Being a baddie is not about breaking the rules, but to have the courage to do the right thing and persevere through challenging times,” he said.
In his free time, Vu enjoys going out to eat with friends, performing theatre productions, going to youth group on Wednesdays, working at his job, and eating dinner with his family on Sundays. The most important things in his life are God, family, friends, and his future goals. His favorite classes to take at LCM have been Theatre with Mrs. Dennison and Dual Credit English 4 with Mr. Martin because they promote open discussion and always ask questions to make students think about their positions again.
“Michael goes above and beyond for our program as well as the other departments he is heavily involved in,” theatre teacher Ashley Dennison said. “He is an advocate for younger classmen, a natural team leader and an all-around fun student!”