Elaina Forester
Junior Hallie Maddox is a setter on the Lady Bear Varsity Volleyball team.
Junior Hallie Maddox is involved in several different activities and clubs, including varsity volleyball and Bear Believers. She is also the Student Council Parliamentarian. Outside of school, she is on her church leadership team and also sings in the praise band. Maddox said she aims to be known for being a Christ-follower and trustworthy friend, as well as someone people can count on who will be remembered for having a good heart.
Maddox said she looks up to her mom because she works hard and is an amazing role model.
“She puts others above herself and regardless of how she is treated, she is always going to be like Jesus,” Maddox said about her mom.
In the future, Maddox wants to go to Texas A&M University to major in Education and get her masters in special education to be a specialist for children with special needs. Her favorite quote is a Bible verse from Matthew 5: 13-16: “You are the salt of the earth and light of the world.”
In her free time, Maddox enjoys spending time with her brother and sister, going to Orange Naz Church, and hanging out with her friends. She also loves going out to eat and watching movies. Her favorite movie is “The Greatest Showman.” Her favorite television show is “Heartland” and her favorite book is “The Neptune Project.”
The most important thing in Maddox’s life is her faith. Her family is also extremely important to her and she said she would not be who she is today without them. Her favorite class is Jill Shugart’s AP English III class because she enjoys reading and writing, and she said Shugart is an amazing teacher.
“Hallie is a joy to have in class because she comes in with a smile and ready to work every day,” Shugart said. “I think she truly gets that it is cool to be kind.”