“You cannot change what you are, only what you do.” This quote by Phillip Pullman is one that sophomore Kevin “Shae” Low thinks of every time he walks through the doors of his DeMolay meeting place. DeMolay is a non-profit organization that helps boys develop into well-rounded young men and teaches values such as courtesy, comradeship, patriotism, and more.
“The most important thing I have learned while being in DeMolay is to be true to your relationships and friendships,” Low said. “I have made friendships that will last forever. I met my best friend Trace through DeMolay. He does not know it but I look up to him like an older brother.”
Low learned about this organization four years ago when his dad, Kevin Low Sr., told him about it. Both Low’s grandfather and father wear and are a part of the Masonic lodges in the area and Low wanted to take after them.
“It is just amazing to follow in their footsteps,” Low said. “I love that one day I will be brothers with them.”
One of the many interesting activities he participates in is Government Day where different chapters meet at the Texas Capitol and debate, pass, or reject bills that have been presented by fellow DeMolay. This is done in both the House and the Senate. Another opportunity for chapters to come together is the annual Conclave meeting. At Conclave, boys will compete in sports and compete in either team or individual memorized ritual events. At last year’s Conclave meeting, Low placed first in state in the Magnificent 7.
“DeMolay has changed my life forever,” Low said. “I will always be a DeMolay.”