Kaila Low
Stacey "OG" Smith has worked at LCM for almost 24 years.
Activities Director Stacey “OG” Smith has worked at LCM for 23, going on 24 years, however she has not always been the Activities Director during that time. She spent seven years in the classroom teaching English I and English III, TOS, ESL, and Speech. She got her beloved nickname OG, which stands for “original gangster,” from former student Katon Brown in 2017, and it has stuck with her.
In her free time, Smith said she watches a lot of junk TV such as “Jersey Shore,” “Big Brother,” and “Yellowstone,” because it is an escape for her. She also values spending time with family and friends. Her favorite quote is one she heard from Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino from Jersey Shore: “The comeback is always greater than the setback.”
One of Smith’s favorite memories from her time at LCM was the State Conference for Student Council in Arlington when they took a couple of Life Skills students, ran for state office, and watched/performed skits. Something most people do not know about her is that she used to work in the prison system for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice at the John T. Montford unit in Lubbock. Smith worked in the regional human resources office next to a maximum security men’s asylum.
For many, Smith was someone people would contact for reassurance during quarantine and she has always been a person to lean on for both students and staff members.