The TikTok craze has students everywhere making their own dance videos.
Several students make TikToks inside and outside of school hours, but students can be seen frequently walking the hallways and doing everyday tasks while subconsciously participating in dances such as the renegrade.
According to Oberlo.com, TikTok is the most downloaded app on the Apple App Store. One thing the app is particularly known for is dancing.
“I have several students that make TikToks during free time,” teacher Mikayla Wappler said. “I think it’s okay on occasion as long as its against a blank wall and it’s school appropriate. I appreciate their enthusiasm and I do find TikTok to be pretty peculiar.”
Junior Kadence Williams started making TikTok videos last year before school let out, and can be found making them in her free time at home or during free time in class. One of her favorites is the renagade, which comes from a lyric in the song “Lottery” by K Kamp.
“I renegade all the time,” Williams said. “I think it’s funny when people watch me, but it doesn’t really bother me.”
Freshman Aubbrey Trahan is another TikToker who spends her time making videos. She said she spends any free time she has making them – it just depends on if she’s busy at the moment.
“I think it’s funny because you have people who show their personality on the this app and then in person it’s someone like me,” she said. “When you learn a dance and there are parts with two people, it’s twice as fun when you both mess up.”
According to Wappler, she thinks TikTok is just another teen fad that will eventually blow away in the wind like Vine and other streaming apps.
“I think it’s okay for the students to be creative if they have free time but in class work should always be more important,” she said. “As long as TikTok is not harming or hindering students then I think its okay to use.”