Junior Mandalyn Lewallen currently serves as the yearbook editor.
The Bear of the Week is junior Mandalyn Lewallen. Lewallen serves as the yearbook editor, HOSA treasurer, and is also involved in Key Club.
According to Lewallen, she has almost no free time because of school, tutoring, and work but anytime she is not found at one of those she is either sleeping or with friends.
If she could travel anywhere in the world, she would visit anywhere in Europe to see the scenery and history. She enjoys both movies and books, but prefers movies. Her favorite movie is “In Time,” because of the message behind it, and her favorite book is “The Other Side of Dark” by Joan Lowery Nixon.
“Mandalyn goes above and beyond as my yearbook editor,” journalism teacher Lindsey Fruge said. “She is dependable, hard working, and incredibly responsible. I’m so grateful to have her as the leader of my yearbook staff.”