The second annual winter semi-formal will be held Saturday, Jan. 18.
The second annual winter semi-formal will be held Saturday, Jan. 18 from 8:30-11:00 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Tickets are available in the nurse’s office for $15 each through Jan. 10, and the final week of the event they will be $20 each (Jan. 13-17).
The dress code goes as following: Boys are to dress nicely, and no shorts will be allowed. The high school dress code applies. Girls’ dresses must come below fingertips with arms at sides (including any slits) with no full length formal dresses, no plunging v-neck dresses with cleavage exposed, no sheer panels on front of dress between chest and fingertip. Two-piece dresses are allowed only if two inches or less of midriff is exposed. Strapless dressed are allowed.
All proceeds from the dance will be used to fund service projects of Interact’s choice. According to Interact president Jadyn Stack, this dance is one of the club’s biggest fundraisers and the members, sponsors, and officers spend a lot of time getting the dance ready in an attempt to give the students the best possible experience.
“The dance takes many hours of preparation months in advance and the week of but it is worth it to see our student body just get to have fun and enjoy a night of dancing without all the stress of prom,” Interact sponsor Jeannie Alexander said. “This is a night where we want everyone to be comfortable to just come and dance and make some great memories.”
Alexander said the Interact members do not plan to sell tickets at the door. Students may bring a guest if they are under 21 or if a high school students, a guest form must be signed by their administration.
“We want people to have fun with their friends whether that is bringing a date or just bringing a girl or guy friend from another school,” Alexander said. “Students do have to be in good standing though at their current school.”
Alexander and the Interact members are looking to have a big turnout like they did last year.
“We hope to help the students have a great high school experience,” Stack said. “We want the students to make memories, dance, and have fun.”