Emily Day
Luke Spell is a junior who is passionate about music.
Junior Luke Spell is involved in tennis, choir, and two different bands – one formed with his friends, and the other with his church. In his free time, he loves to play music and learn new instruments.
Some things most people don’t know about him is that he plays seven instruments, is 6’3 (and a half) feet tall, and wears a size 15 shoe. Spell is known around school for playing the lead role in “Little Shop of Horrors,” the musical that was recently performed by LCM students.
In ten years, Spell sees himself in Nashville, Tennessee making music. His favorite movie is, “A Christmas Story,” and his favorite show is “The Office.” The three most important things to him are his friends, family, and music. His favorite quote is, “I love inside jokes. I hope to be part of one someday,” from Michael Scott.