Senior Rachel Belcher recently started her own YouTube channel.
High school students tend to have very active schedules with trying to balance their social and family lives all while going to school and planning for the future. For senior Rachel Belcher, this does not stop her from pursuing her hobbies and dreams outside of school.
Belcher started a YouTube channel in January, of which she already has two videos posted and has received around 767 views and 47 subscribers.
“I just make embarrassing videos of myself out of boredom, then post them on social media because I find them amusing and feel like other people might too,” Belcher said.
Belcher said she wanted to start a channel ever since she started watching other YouTubers as a source of entertainment and thought it would be a fun thing to do in order to make her viewers laugh.
“Maintaining a channel is hard because it takes me about 20 hours total to edit each video and it’s hard to find time for that,” Belcher said. “I’ve edited a few videos and when I end up watching them, I won’t post them because they’re not as good as I thought they were going to be.”
In her free time, Belcher can be found singing, outside on sunny days, thrift shopping, playing different instruments, mildly working out, eating with friends, or with her youth group at church.
“Friends, plus food, plus clothes, equals happiness,” Belcher said.
Before the start of her channel, Belcher has been known by other entertaining videos she has posted on Twitter. She said she has never been upset with how videos have turned out because she watches them repetitively before she posts them, and fixes anything she is unhappy about.
“My goals with my channel are to consistently keep uploading funny, quality videos,” Belcher said. “I don’t expect to make it big, as long as a few people are watching my videos then that’s good with me!”